Open a expanded form based upon specific record ID

  • Thread starter Thread starter ecklers
  • Start date Start date


Good Morning All--

I have a database that manages accounts and prepares contracts for
martial arts schools.

In doing this, I have a guarantor form that is used to create a
guarantor id for contracts. In the bottom of this form I have a subform
that inserts new students into my students table- therefore you can
have a one to many relationship as one guarantor may pay for multiple

My subform just has a few fields of my Students table- I was wondering
if I could open the main form from a button to the specific studentid
(record) that I was adding in the subform to complete the student

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I have taken a screen
shot of the form if it helps.

Any help would be appreciated- thanks in advance.

In thinking about this a little- I thought a good approach maybe to
launch a dialog box programmatically after the onchange of the DOB
field that would ask you if you'd like to update the entire student

Not quite sure how that might be done, but just a thought.

Thanks Again!