Oozespam toolbar



I have this dang tool bar called oozespam that will not
go away. i have no idea where i got it and no idea how to
get rid of it. there is nothin in the add/remove programs
list and i have no other idea what to do. also it over
takes my other tool bar so when i set that one on it
swiches back to oozespam, anyone else heard of this
stupid tool bar??? can anyone help me get rid of

Jo Smith

Download Ad-aware from www.lavasoftusa.com
Spybot Search & Destroy

and/or Pest Patrol's trial software. Pest Patrol's trial
version will not remove spyware, but Pest Patrol will
provide you with manual instructions.

Which version of Windows are you running?
If 2000 or XP, simultaneously press "ctrl" "alt"
& "delete". Left click the "task manager" button.

Look for oozespam under "applications" [ probably not
there ] and "services". If you don't see oozespam, make a
list of the services running. Boot to safe mode. Bring
up task manager. Go to services. Make a list. Compare
it to the list in "normal" mode.

Go to "control panel" > administrative tools" > "services".
Try to gather information about items that were running
in "normal mode" but not "safe mode". Tedious. Laborious.

Best of success.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Cyrus said:
I have this dang tool bar called oozespam that will not
go away. i have no idea where i got it and no idea how to
get rid of it. there is nothin in the add/remove programs
list and i have no other idea what to do. also it over
takes my other tool bar so when i set that one on it
swiches back to oozespam, anyone else heard of this
stupid tool bar??? can anyone help me get rid of

Try ToolbarCop:

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
Protect your PC

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