OOP - OOD Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Ichilov
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David Ichilov

let's say i have a class

class baseclass
public int someProperty

and now i create new class, there i use "someProperty", but don't want the
users of my class use it, not in design time, not in real time....
What do you mean by "see"? Intellisense? Properties window?

An obvious solution would be to declare the property private or friend, but
you've probably figured that yourself. :-)


Jan Tielens
Read my weblog: http://weblogs.asp.net/jan
let's say i have a class

class baseclass
public int someProperty

and now i create new class, there i use "someProperty",
but don't want the users of my class use it, not in design
time, not in real time....

It's difficult to guess at what you are getting at here. There is bound to
be an ideal architecture that fits your situation. And there is a pretty
high percentage that I will not guess the right one. But one approach is:

abstract class baseclass
public abstract int someProperty{ get; }

sealed class newclass : baseclass
public override int someProperty
return 1;

class newclassForUser : baseclass
public override int someProperty
return 0;

This keeps the user from inheriting from your "sealed" class and behavior.
It also makes them implement their own version of "someProperty," but that
can be trivial and never used.

Hope that helps in some way.


Use it in what way?

View it, Modify it, Set it? None of these?

If the user to have absolutely no access to the property then make it

If you want them to just be able to view it but not change it the property
do this.

class baseclass
private int InternalValue;
public int someProperty
return InternalValue;

If you want them to be able just to set the value but not to read it then do

class baseclass
private int InternalValue;
public int someProperty
InternalValue = return;

I can't think what else you'd mean but not use it?

Hope I've helped :)

i meant:

i've that class and can't chage it

class baseclass
public int someProperty { set; get; }

now, i wrote that class

class newclass : baseclass
public void someFunction()
base.someProperty = 0;

and what i want, is that the user who uses my class:
"newclass ncObject;", he wouldn't be able to use baseclass::someProperty via
i meant:

i've that class and can't chage it

class baseclass
public int someProperty { set; get; }

now, i wrote that class

class newclass : baseclass
public void someFunction()
base.someProperty = 0;

and what i want, is that the user who uses my class:
"newclass ncObject;", he wouldn't be able to use baseclass::someProperty via
i meant:

i've that class and can't chage it

class baseclass
public int someProperty { set; get; }

now, i wrote that class

class newclass : baseclass
public void someFunction()
base.someProperty = 0;

and what i want, is that the user who uses my class:
"newclass ncObject;", he wouldn't be able to use baseclass::someProperty via
David Ichilov said:
i meant:

i've that class and can't chage it

class baseclass
public int someProperty { set; get; }

now, i wrote that class

class newclass : baseclass
public void someFunction()
base.someProperty = 0;

and what i want, is that the user who uses my class:
"newclass ncObject;", he wouldn't be able to use baseclass::someProperty via

You're not going to be able to do that, in the long run, because anyone
could always say:

baseclass bcObject = ncObject;


You could provide a new version of someFunction which just threw an
exception, but it's basically a nasty thing to do, and violates
Liskov's Substitutability Principle.

Do you absolutely *have* to derive from baseclass? A common solution to
this kind of problem is to make newclass have a reference to an
instance of baseclass, using composition rather than inheritence.
i've. couse, i'm writig custom control wich uses TreeView as a base class. I
do not want the users of my custom control to use "Nodes" ands some other
properties of TreeView. I tried to use ControlDesigner, with its
PreFilterProperties method, but, it only removes that properties from
"Properties" window in design time...

then i declared "new proteced ... Nodes { get; }", but it has no results

i guess there's nothing let to do :((
David Ichilov said:
i've. couse, i'm writig custom control wich uses TreeView as a base class.

Does it *have* to use TreeView as a base class? If you don't want users
to use it as they would use a TreeView, then it doesn't sound like it's
a good candidate to derive from TreeView.
David Ichilov said:
i've. couse, i'm writig custom control wich uses TreeView as a base
class. I do not want the users of my custom control to use "Nodes"
ands some other properties of TreeView. I tried to use
ControlDesigner, with its PreFilterProperties method, but, it only
removes that properties from "Properties" window in design time...

then i declared "new proteced ... Nodes { get; }", but it has no
results too.

i guess there's nothing let to do :((

As Jon allready stated, composition is the correct aproach to achieve
your requirements (Build a special TrreView + Provide the user just one
interface for it).
-Build your own control and derive it from UserControl
-put a TreeView in your user Control and set its Dockstyle to "fill"
-Implement the Methods and Properties that you want to offer the user
and your own special stuff in the control