oooff! access is just overwhelming :(

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacqueline
  • Start date Start date


hi again,

can someone walk me through the steps to splitting my
database, and where each end should go? (server or on
their hard drive. i need to get this out to others so
they may begin entering their data. i read through the
book, but still clueless, to me these books are still not
user friendly enough, but then again that's me.

again many thanks.....
Generally, the steps are as follows:

1. If you have not already done so, split the application into a Front-End
and a Back-End. The Front-End (FE) will contain all Queries, Forms,
Reports, Modules, Macros and local-use tables. The Back-End (BE) will
contain all tables to be shared among users.

You can use the Database Splitter to perform this function. From the menu,
select Tools|Database Utilities|Database Splitter.

2. The BE will reside in a folder on your server, where full permissions
for each user will be granted (Read, Write, Create, Delete, Execute).

3. In the FE, Link to the tables in the BE. To avoid problems with
changing drive mappings, link to the BE tables using the full UNC, starting
with My Network Places and drilling down through folders until the actual
database name of the BE is found.

4. An individual copy of each FE will reside on each user's computer. For
ease of distributing updates to FEs, see: which describes an AutoUpdater
for front-ends, developed by Access MVP Tony Toews.

5. Additionally, a copy of the most current FE in use by users should be
kept on the server. You will do your maintenance/update programming on your
own copy of the FE on your own computer. When updates are ready to be
distributed, you'll copy your modified FE to replace the one on the server.

Those are pretty much the high points. Post back if you need more.
There is a wizard in ACCESS that will split the database for you (under
Tools menu). The backend should be put on a server or drive that is
accessible to all users. Each user gets a copy of the front end.

And you're good to go.

many thanks and i am taking you up on that offer of "Post
back" it's really appreciated.

okay, so i've just split my db. out of curiosity, i went
through explorer to see how was set up. i see that now on
my Ddrive (my computer) i have a folder called Access;
in there I have 2 files named LProgress.mdb
and; i also have a subfolder named SafeCopy
of my dbase before splitting (precautionary) [must mention
this is exciting and nerve recking at the same time-smile]

now, as for your #2, do I make a copy of that BE or do I
cut it and put it on the server where it can be reached?

i will be doing this one step at a time if you don't mind.
want to make sure i'm doing this right.

so many thanks!
Hi Francesca,

First of all, it is always GOOD to make a copy of a database before trying
out an unfamiliar technique or when doing something that will make
substantial changes to the database. It's a very good habit to acquire.
now, as for your #2, do I make a copy of that BE or do I
cut it and put it on the server where it can be reached?

I would copy the FE and the BE to the server. Here is why:

1. The FE and BE on your D: drive will now become your "Test Environment",
where you will do modifications, create new queries and reports, etc., and
test them prior to delivering them to your users. It is entirely separate
and local to you, so anything you do here will not be seen by your users.
So, you now have that environment already built with a FE linked to a local

2. The copy of the BE on the Server is what your users will connect to.
The copy of the FE on the Server is the "Production Copy" and the one that
you will deploy to your users' local hard drives.

However, before this copy is deployed to your users, one important
additional step must be taken: The linked tables in the FE on the Server
must now point to the BE on the Server. After copying the FE to the
server, open that copy of the database and then click Tools|Database
Utilities|Linked Table Manager. You will see that each of the tables in
the Linked Table Manager is a table in your Local Copy of the BE database
(the one on your D: drive). You don't want your users connecting to your
local copy of the BE, so you must "re-link the tables".

With the Linked Table Manager still open, put a check in the box next to
each table name (or click the "Select All" button). Then, put a check in
the checkbox at the bottom of the window which is labeled: "Always prompt
for a new location". Click OK.

A new window will open which asks you to select the new location of your
first table. You and each of your users will likely have a mapping on
their computer to the network share where the BE is located, and you can use
that. But, drive letters can change, so we recommend that you go to Network
Neighborhood and drill-down to the exact folder in which your BE is located
and select the BE database that way. Once you have located the BE database
and clicked on it, Click the Open button. Repeat this step for each table.

If you have a large number of tables to re-link, we can "talk" later about
re-linking your tables using code. But, for now, get comfortable with the
basic method of re-linking tables.


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

Jacqueline said:

many thanks and i am taking you up on that offer of "Post
back" it's really appreciated.

okay, so i've just split my db. out of curiosity, i went
through explorer to see how was set up. i see that now on
my Ddrive (my computer) i have a folder called Access;
in there I have 2 files named LProgress.mdb
and; i also have a subfolder named SafeCopy
of my dbase before splitting (precautionary) [must mention
this is exciting and nerve recking at the same time-smile]

now, as for your #2, do I make a copy of that BE or do I
cut it and put it on the server where it can be reached?

i will be doing this one step at a time if you don't mind.
want to make sure i'm doing this right.

so many thanks!
-----Original Message-----
Generally, the steps are as follows:

1. If you have not already done so, split the application into a Front-End
and a Back-End. The Front-End (FE) will contain all Queries, Forms,
Reports, Modules, Macros and local-use tables. The Back- End (BE) will
contain all tables to be shared among users.

You can use the Database Splitter to perform this function. From the menu,
select Tools|Database Utilities|Database Splitter.

2. The BE will reside in a folder on your server, where full permissions
for each user will be granted (Read, Write, Create, Delete, Execute).

3. In the FE, Link to the tables in the BE. To avoid problems with
changing drive mappings, link to the BE tables using the full UNC, starting
with My Network Places and drilling down through folders until the actual
database name of the BE is found.

4. An individual copy of each FE will reside on each user's computer. For
ease of distributing updates to FEs, see: which describes an AutoUpdater
for front-ends, developed by Access MVP Tony Toews.

5. Additionally, a copy of the most current FE in use by users should be
kept on the server. You will do your maintenance/update programming on your
own copy of the FE on your own computer. When updates are ready to be
distributed, you'll copy your modified FE to replace the one on the server.

Those are pretty much the high points. Post back if you need more.


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX


as a dry run, i opened a folder (mocked drilling into the
server)in another girl's directory (she will also be a
user). there i copied both FE and BE (but normally she
wouldn't see the FE as it's somewhere else(server)?. i
opened her fe and Linked T M and since i have only one
table, that's the only one that I check-marked. also
checked Always prompt... then OK. Where I lose myself is
the next step window asking for a new location(?). why a
new location: 1- i have a BE and FE on my drive; 2-she has
a copy of same; 3-i linked her FE copy to my BE....the
rest is a little confusing (that little something) with
all these FEs and BEs. So for today this will be my last
question and will resume next week; so why the new
location and are all the steps correct?

Thanks a great deal, you are very helpful!! have a nice

-----Original Message-----
Hi Francesca,

First of all, it is always GOOD to make a copy of a database before trying
out an unfamiliar technique or when doing something that will make
substantial changes to the database. It's a very good habit to acquire.
now, as for your #2, do I make a copy of that BE or do I
cut it and put it on the server where it can be reached?

I would copy the FE and the BE to the server. Here is why:

1. The FE and BE on your D: drive will now become your "Test Environment",
where you will do modifications, create new queries and reports, etc., and
test them prior to delivering them to your users. It is entirely separate
and local to you, so anything you do here will not be seen by your users.
So, you now have that environment already built with a FE linked to a local

2. The copy of the BE on the Server is what your users will connect to.
The copy of the FE on the Server is the "Production Copy" and the one that
you will deploy to your users' local hard drives.

However, before this copy is deployed to your users, one important
additional step must be taken: The linked tables in the FE on the Server
must now point to the BE on the Server. After copying the FE to the
server, open that copy of the database and then click Tools|Database
Utilities|Linked Table Manager. You will see that each of the tables in
the Linked Table Manager is a table in your Local Copy of the BE database
(the one on your D: drive). You don't want your users connecting to your
local copy of the BE, so you must "re-link the tables".

With the Linked Table Manager still open, put a check in the box next to
each table name (or click the "Select All" button). Then, put a check in
the checkbox at the bottom of the window which is labeled: "Always prompt
for a new location". Click OK.

A new window will open which asks you to select the new location of your
first table. You and each of your users will likely have a mapping on
their computer to the network share where the BE is located, and you can use
that. But, drive letters can change, so we recommend that you go to Network
Neighborhood and drill-down to the exact folder in which your BE is located
and select the BE database that way. Once you have located the BE database
and clicked on it, Click the Open button. Repeat this step for each table.

If you have a large number of tables to re-link, we can "talk" later about
re-linking your tables using code. But, for now, get comfortable with the
basic method of re-linking tables.


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX


many thanks and i am taking you up on that offer of "Post
back" it's really appreciated.

okay, so i've just split my db. out of curiosity, i went
through explorer to see how was set up. i see that now on
my Ddrive (my computer) i have a folder called Access;
in there I have 2 files named LProgress.mdb
and; i also have a subfolder named SafeCopy
of my dbase before splitting (precautionary) [must mention
this is exciting and nerve recking at the same time- smile]

now, as for your #2, do I make a copy of that BE or do I
cut it and put it on the server where it can be reached?

i will be doing this one step at a time if you don't mind.
want to make sure i'm doing this right.

so many thanks!
-----Original Message-----
Generally, the steps are as follows:

1. If you have not already done so, split the application into a Front-End
and a Back-End. The Front-End (FE) will contain all Queries, Forms,
Reports, Modules, Macros and local-use tables. The
End (BE) will
contain all tables to be shared among users.

You can use the Database Splitter to perform this function. From the menu,
select Tools|Database Utilities|Database Splitter.

2. The BE will reside in a folder on your server,
full permissions
for each user will be granted (Read, Write, Create, Delete, Execute).

3. In the FE, Link to the tables in the BE. To avoid problems with
changing drive mappings, link to the BE tables using
full UNC, starting
with My Network Places and drilling down through
until the actual
database name of the BE is found.

4. An individual copy of each FE will reside on each user's computer. For
ease of distributing updates to FEs, see: which describes an AutoUpdater
for front-ends, developed by Access MVP Tony Toews.

5. Additionally, a copy of the most current FE in use
users should be
kept on the server. You will do your
programming on your
own copy of the FE on your own computer. When updates are ready to be
distributed, you'll copy your modified FE to replace
one on the server.
Those are pretty much the high points. Post back if
need more.

Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

"Jacqueline" <[email protected]>
in message
hi again,

can someone walk me through the steps to splitting my
database, and where each end should go? (server or on
their hard drive. i need to get this out to others so
they may begin entering their data. i read through the
book, but still clueless, to me these books are still not
user friendly enough, but then again that's me.

again many thanks.....


as a dry run, i opened a folder (mocked drilling into the
server)in another girl's directory (she will also be a
user). there i copied both FE and BE (but normally she
wouldn't see the FE as it's somewhere else(server)?.

The copy of the FE on the server is there as a backup and to facilitate
distributing updated copies of the FE to users. Each user should have
their own copy of the current FE on their computer's hard drive.
Where I lose myself is
the next step window asking for a new location(?). why a
new location: 1- i have a BE and FE on my drive; 2-she has
a copy of same; 3-i linked her FE copy to my BE

If your computer IS the server, that is fine. If your computer is not the
server, then you must deliver a FE to each user that points to (links) to
the Server, File Folder and BE file containing the shared data.


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

Jacqueline said:

as a dry run, i opened a folder (mocked drilling into the
server)in another girl's directory (she will also be a
user). there i copied both FE and BE (but normally she
wouldn't see the FE as it's somewhere else(server)?. i
opened her fe and Linked T M and since i have only one
table, that's the only one that I check-marked. also
checked Always prompt... then OK. Where I lose myself is
the next step window asking for a new location(?). why a
new location: 1- i have a BE and FE on my drive; 2-she has
a copy of same; 3-i linked her FE copy to my BE....the
rest is a little confusing (that little something) with
all these FEs and BEs. So for today this will be my last
question and will resume next week; so why the new
location and are all the steps correct?

Thanks a great deal, you are very helpful!! have a nice

-----Original Message-----
Hi Francesca,

First of all, it is always GOOD to make a copy of a database before trying
out an unfamiliar technique or when doing something that will make
substantial changes to the database. It's a very good habit to acquire.
now, as for your #2, do I make a copy of that BE or do I
cut it and put it on the server where it can be reached?

I would copy the FE and the BE to the server. Here is why:

1. The FE and BE on your D: drive will now become your "Test Environment",
where you will do modifications, create new queries and reports, etc., and
test them prior to delivering them to your users. It is entirely separate
and local to you, so anything you do here will not be seen by your users.
So, you now have that environment already built with a FE linked to a local

2. The copy of the BE on the Server is what your users will connect to.
The copy of the FE on the Server is the "Production Copy" and the one that
you will deploy to your users' local hard drives.

However, before this copy is deployed to your users, one important
additional step must be taken: The linked tables in the FE on the Server
must now point to the BE on the Server. After copying the FE to the
server, open that copy of the database and then click Tools|Database
Utilities|Linked Table Manager. You will see that each of the tables in
the Linked Table Manager is a table in your Local Copy of the BE database
(the one on your D: drive). You don't want your users connecting to your
local copy of the BE, so you must "re-link the tables".

With the Linked Table Manager still open, put a check in the box next to
each table name (or click the "Select All" button). Then, put a check in
the checkbox at the bottom of the window which is labeled: "Always prompt
for a new location". Click OK.

A new window will open which asks you to select the new location of your
first table. You and each of your users will likely have a mapping on
their computer to the network share where the BE is located, and you can use
that. But, drive letters can change, so we recommend that you go to Network
Neighborhood and drill-down to the exact folder in which your BE is located
and select the BE database that way. Once you have located the BE database
and clicked on it, Click the Open button. Repeat this step for each table.

If you have a large number of tables to re-link, we can "talk" later about
re-linking your tables using code. But, for now, get comfortable with the
basic method of re-linking tables.


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX


many thanks and i am taking you up on that offer of "Post
back" it's really appreciated.

okay, so i've just split my db. out of curiosity, i went
through explorer to see how was set up. i see that now on
my Ddrive (my computer) i have a folder called Access;
in there I have 2 files named LProgress.mdb
and; i also have a subfolder named SafeCopy
of my dbase before splitting (precautionary) [must mention
this is exciting and nerve recking at the same time- smile]

now, as for your #2, do I make a copy of that BE or do I
cut it and put it on the server where it can be reached?

i will be doing this one step at a time if you don't mind.
want to make sure i'm doing this right.

so many thanks!

-----Original Message-----
Generally, the steps are as follows:

1. If you have not already done so, split the
application into a Front-End
and a Back-End. The Front-End (FE) will contain all
Queries, Forms,
Reports, Modules, Macros and local-use tables. The Back-
End (BE) will
contain all tables to be shared among users.

You can use the Database Splitter to perform this
function. From the menu,
select Tools|Database Utilities|Database Splitter.

2. The BE will reside in a folder on your server, where
full permissions
for each user will be granted (Read, Write, Create,
Delete, Execute).

3. In the FE, Link to the tables in the BE. To avoid
problems with
changing drive mappings, link to the BE tables using the
full UNC, starting
with My Network Places and drilling down through folders
until the actual
database name of the BE is found.

4. An individual copy of each FE will reside on each
user's computer. For
ease of distributing updates to FEs, see: which
describes an AutoUpdater
for front-ends, developed by Access MVP Tony Toews.

5. Additionally, a copy of the most current FE in use by
users should be
kept on the server. You will do your maintenance/update
programming on your
own copy of the FE on your own computer. When updates
are ready to be
distributed, you'll copy your modified FE to replace the
one on the server.

Those are pretty much the high points. Post back if you
need more.


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

in message
hi again,

can someone walk me through the steps to splitting my
database, and where each end should go? (server or on
their hard drive. i need to get this out to others so
they may begin entering their data. i read through the
book, but still clueless, to me these books are still
user friendly enough, but then again that's me.

again many thanks.....

