How it inherits depends on your encapsulation, and whether there is any
interaction between the cookbook and the recipe. In an ideal OO scanrio the
recipe should be self contained, telling you only how to make the dish. The
cookbook knows nothing about making the dish, thus it needs to inherit none
of the properties of the recipe to function as a cookbook - it only needs to
contain recipe objects, like a namespace containing lots of different
classes. The classes in the namespace can be interelated by existing in the
namespace, but need not know anything about each other unless thats how to
need the objects to interact. Connected to this, the way you serve the
recipe (the presentation (layer)) has nothing to do with how it is stored in
the cookbook (persistence (layer)) or how it is cooked (business (layer))
Mutli tiered or layered implementations perform different and self contained
elements of your programming logic, like your presentation layer knowing
about plates and cress but nothing about cooking times. Theres a very nice
and straingtforward explanation of multi tiered applications here that might
be worth taking a look at.
John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director