Brad Pears
Hi guys!!! Thanks for all your input on previous OO posts. I know it will
be all the same people responding again and I really appreciate your insight
etc.. as you all appear to know what you are doing - each having your own
flare but that is what makes us individuals right?? Anyway, here is a quick
question... (or maybe not so quick)
In my business "Contract" class I have many properties.
When I set these "contract" properties in the GUI layer front end (i.e
populating the Contract business class) when the 'Save' button is clicked, I
want to pass the values to the "data" class for update/insert etc...
Do I create the same "properties" on the data class as I have on the
business class and populate the data class from the properties of the
business class? OR should I pass all the variables as a parameter list
from teh business class to the method I am invoking on the data class to do
the update/insert etc .. ?
I guess the biggest question is should data classes use the same
properties - as in the associated business class(s)? What is the best way to
get the data from teh business class to the data class?
I have been doing the following... (used only 2 properties for demonstration
The front end would set and call the update method on the business class
"clsContract" as follows
public sub btmSave_click (bunch of aprameters)
' Save the Contract data
dim oCB as new clsContract
' Set class properites
oCB.ContractNo = me.txtContractNo.text
oCB.CustID = me.txtCustID.text
' Call update method to update/insert the data
' clean up
oCB = nothing
end sub
public class clsContract
private sContractNo as string
private iCustID as integer
public property ContractNo as string
return sContractNo
end get
set (byval value as string)
sContractNo = value
end set
public property CustID as integer
return iCustID
end get
set (byval value as integer)
iCustID = value
end set
public sub new
...some code
end sub
Public sub Update(byval sContractNo as string)
' Call dataclass update method
dim oCD as new clsContract_Data
' Set data class property then update
oCD.CustID = me.CustID
' Clean up
oCD = nothing
end sub
public class clsContract_Data
private sContractNo as string
private iCustID as integer
public property ContractNo as string
return sContractNo
end get
set (byval value as string)
sContractNo = value
end set
public property CustID as integer
return iCustID
end get
set (byval value as integer)
iCustID = value
end set
public sub new(sContractNo as string)
me.ContractNo = sContractNo
end sub
Public sub Update(sContractNo as string)
' Call stored procedure to do updatemethod
dim bRet as boolean = false
' Call stored procedure with appropriate parameters
bRet is RunSP("spname", me.ContractNo, me.CustID)
if not bret then
return bret
end sub
Thanks, Brad
be all the same people responding again and I really appreciate your insight
etc.. as you all appear to know what you are doing - each having your own
flare but that is what makes us individuals right?? Anyway, here is a quick
question... (or maybe not so quick)
In my business "Contract" class I have many properties.
When I set these "contract" properties in the GUI layer front end (i.e
populating the Contract business class) when the 'Save' button is clicked, I
want to pass the values to the "data" class for update/insert etc...
Do I create the same "properties" on the data class as I have on the
business class and populate the data class from the properties of the
business class? OR should I pass all the variables as a parameter list
from teh business class to the method I am invoking on the data class to do
the update/insert etc .. ?
I guess the biggest question is should data classes use the same
properties - as in the associated business class(s)? What is the best way to
get the data from teh business class to the data class?
I have been doing the following... (used only 2 properties for demonstration
The front end would set and call the update method on the business class
"clsContract" as follows
public sub btmSave_click (bunch of aprameters)
' Save the Contract data
dim oCB as new clsContract
' Set class properites
oCB.ContractNo = me.txtContractNo.text
oCB.CustID = me.txtCustID.text
' Call update method to update/insert the data
' clean up
oCB = nothing
end sub
public class clsContract
private sContractNo as string
private iCustID as integer
public property ContractNo as string
return sContractNo
end get
set (byval value as string)
sContractNo = value
end set
public property CustID as integer
return iCustID
end get
set (byval value as integer)
iCustID = value
end set
public sub new
...some code
end sub
Public sub Update(byval sContractNo as string)
' Call dataclass update method
dim oCD as new clsContract_Data
' Set data class property then update
oCD.CustID = me.CustID
' Clean up
oCD = nothing
end sub
public class clsContract_Data
private sContractNo as string
private iCustID as integer
public property ContractNo as string
return sContractNo
end get
set (byval value as string)
sContractNo = value
end set
public property CustID as integer
return iCustID
end get
set (byval value as integer)
iCustID = value
end set
public sub new(sContractNo as string)
me.ContractNo = sContractNo
end sub
Public sub Update(sContractNo as string)
' Call stored procedure to do updatemethod
dim bRet as boolean = false
' Call stored procedure with appropriate parameters
bRet is RunSP("spname", me.ContractNo, me.CustID)
if not bret then
return bret
end sub
Thanks, Brad