Here is what I have, I'm working on a search engine, where the results can be sorted, and paged through. (This is for a Web app btw)
My results of the search from the database are stored in a DataTable.
From this DataTable I create a DataView, that sorts the datatable.
Now I need to bind certain rows of this view to the DataSource, and here is where I'm running into problems.
Say I'm on page 4 of my results, and at 10 results per page, I need to bind rows 31-40 of this dataview to my control (a asp.net repeater). Is there some way I can filter this DataView based on the index of the items, not anything specific to the data itself. Or perhaps there is a way to copy these rows to another view (Didn't look possible) I know I can create another datatable and add rows manually from the view, but that just seems like too much overhead when I'm so close.
Any Ideas?
Here is what I have, I'm working on a search engine, where the results can be sorted, and paged through. (This is for a Web app btw)
My results of the search from the database are stored in a DataTable.
From this DataTable I create a DataView, that sorts the datatable.
Now I need to bind certain rows of this view to the DataSource, and here is where I'm running into problems.
Say I'm on page 4 of my results, and at 10 results per page, I need to bind rows 31-40 of this dataview to my control (a asp.net repeater). Is there some way I can filter this DataView based on the index of the items, not anything specific to the data itself. Or perhaps there is a way to copy these rows to another view (Didn't look possible) I know I can create another datatable and add rows manually from the view, but that just seems like too much overhead when I'm so close.
Any Ideas?