Only Edit Single Column in Gridview



Hi Group,

I have a gridview in a monthly timekeeping application. The grid shows
twelve months of data and I need allow editing of only a single column, the
current month. I'm not sure where to start here.


Gregory A. Beamer

I have a gridview in a monthly timekeeping application. The grid
shows twelve months of data and I need allow editing of only a single
column, the current month. I'm not sure where to start here.

In a Grid, you have the option of only having certain columns as editable
using the EditItemTemplate (make them labels instead of textboxes, for

You can also create a form view for edit of a single record and place the
info from that column into a text box (showing the other information).

Either way will solve the problem.

Peace and Grace,

Gregory A. Beamer

Twitter: @gbworld

| Think outside the box! |


More info...

The setup is pretty simple. The only control on the page is the grid. I
have bound the grid directly to a SQL datasource and currently have no
template columns.
The gridview columns are 'person', 'assignment', and twelve month columns
The users can see all rows and columns from the database in the gridview and
can edit all rows using the built-in 'Edit' command. I want to restrict the
editable columns to only the one which represents the current month. The
approach I would like to use is something like:

1. Default all columns in gridview to readonly. (I know how to do this)

2. Look up column from current date.
Jan = 3, Feb= 4 (I know how to do this)

3. Enable the current column for edit.
I would like to edit only Jan with something like:
gv_thisgrid.columns[3].readonly = false
I can't find a way to access the 'readonly' attribute from the C# code.
I expected it to be at: gv_thisgrid.columns[X].'RightHere' Is there another
way to access it?


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