To keep in practice, I put together a couple of weeks ago, (with tender
loving care), a cheap system box, and just to test it out I installed my
copy of XP Home ed. SP2/slipstream into it. A couple of days ago I bought a
flat panel monitor and graphics card with DVI for my main PC (not the
cheapy), so I put my "old" Nvidia MX440 graphics card into the cheapy
thinking it might be better than the onboard grahics chip on the motherboard
in the "cheapy." If nothing else, should the monitor lead get yanked, it
won't damage the main block of connectors on the motherboard. ...I digresss
!! ...as usual
I bought several other odds and ends including a copy of XP Home ed.SP2 OEM,
to sell with the "cheapy." Just did a repair install with the new XP Home
ed. SP2 OEM cd and entered the new license key, and after it finished and
rebooted, I was having a poke around Windows and the activation balloon
suddenly changed to just 3 days left to activate. I wanted longer than that
so that I've got plenty of time to tweak up some security layers before
selling it to sombody who's probably going to bugger it all up anyway but,
there you go !
So, obviously XP Home edition decided that because it had already been in
there it wasn't going to give me another 30 days, so I'm zero-filling the
hard disk - whole disk, not just the first 63 bytes, in case MS have other
dirty tricks up their sleeves !
Is it normally the case that XP Home ed. SP2 OEM defaults to 3 days to
activate, after a Repair install, and did it do that because it detected
that a different license key and cd had been used to perform the repair
install ?
regards, Richard
loving care), a cheap system box, and just to test it out I installed my
copy of XP Home ed. SP2/slipstream into it. A couple of days ago I bought a
flat panel monitor and graphics card with DVI for my main PC (not the
cheapy), so I put my "old" Nvidia MX440 graphics card into the cheapy
thinking it might be better than the onboard grahics chip on the motherboard
in the "cheapy." If nothing else, should the monitor lead get yanked, it
won't damage the main block of connectors on the motherboard. ...I digresss
!! ...as usual

I bought several other odds and ends including a copy of XP Home ed.SP2 OEM,
to sell with the "cheapy." Just did a repair install with the new XP Home
ed. SP2 OEM cd and entered the new license key, and after it finished and
rebooted, I was having a poke around Windows and the activation balloon
suddenly changed to just 3 days left to activate. I wanted longer than that
so that I've got plenty of time to tweak up some security layers before
selling it to sombody who's probably going to bugger it all up anyway but,
there you go !
So, obviously XP Home edition decided that because it had already been in
there it wasn't going to give me another 30 days, so I'm zero-filling the
hard disk - whole disk, not just the first 63 bytes, in case MS have other
dirty tricks up their sleeves !
Is it normally the case that XP Home ed. SP2 OEM defaults to 3 days to
activate, after a Repair install, and did it do that because it detected
that a different license key and cd had been used to perform the repair
install ?
regards, Richard