Online Texas hold em poker


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
I love to play Texas hold em poker ..can someone pls tell me or link me (no spam ) the best pre flop hands to bet on and their % to win ratio :thumb:
Well ofcourse a high pair i.e a pair of aces (pocket rockets) is one of the best things hands that you could get pre flop but with other hands your ods arent going to be that different to another hand i.i 7 9 offsuit and a 5 jack offsuit so normally unless your hand is a pile of ****e i would call myself into the flop.

chelseafc2005's disclaimer: I am not responsible for any money gambled and lost if you listen to my advice
Texas Hold'em

Hi Rush,
I have played Texas Hold'em using Wilson software for nearly a year. You play against computer-generated players - it is supposed to be the best poker software available.
You can play at many different levels for theoretical money and move up levels as you progress. There is no magic formula, but experience is balanced by inate ability. I keep records in EXCEL and did well for the first three levels, then I found I could not win - I was not good enough! I have played approx 70 000 hands and it's great fun but I only play local 'house' games for money - everybody puts in £10 for the evening.
If you want to play online you can follow links from Wilson's website (Empire Poker) but please spend approx £30 on the software to find out your ability first.
Good luck,
Is this the best

Thanks ( heres a list given to me)

Top 10 pre flop hands

10.A 10

Worst 10 pre flop

1. 2-7
2. 2-8
3. 3-8,3-7
4. 2-6
5.2-9, 3-9, 4-9
7. 5-9
8. 4-7 , 4-8 , 5-8 , 3-6
9. Face Card +Low Card
10. Ace + Low (Unsuited

Anyone know any better ...thanks Rush ......
Texas Hold'em

Hi Rush,
Please buy 'Poker for Dummies' by Harrock and Krieger. Amazon £4.50 +p&p. No insult intended, I have approx 10 ..... for Dummies books. They are excellent.
If you try to use a simple formula you will be p.....g money down the drain - you must study it first before using real money!
Thanks peahouse 05

your words of wisdom are very welcome m8 :thumb:
Poker rule: A good player will always beat a bad player. Not really a game of luck as some people suggest.

I would usually stay in until the flop is dealt, cause you could go from having nothing, to having a pretty good hand.