Is it possible to calculate the maximum download speed of a
PII/266 MHz system with a 66 MHz front side buss?
Would it be possible to obtain all of a 4 Mbps cable modem
speed offered by a cable ISP? Using NIC, not USB.
No, because the internet and the (server?) you're connecting
to will almost always be a greater bottleneck, not deliver
the 4Mbps.
Otherwise, a PII/266 can maintain full download speed at
4Mbps, BUT, if that's things like mixed content webpages
with lots of java or flash animations, that may make it
choke a bit on rendering the page.
What are the other limiting factors?
Hard drive speed and ample system memory. Use of a UDMA HDD
rather than an (even older) PIO mode drive. Other generic
factors include higher priority processes running on the
system. The question is more what you're doing with this
data as it downloads, rather than that the CPU can handle
it. With that low a margin things like navigating the
Windows GUI or loading apps will be a larger percentage of
the CPU time. Even so, it would matter more in a
hypothetical 4Mbps scenario than typical internet surfing
download speeds.
For reference, a P2/266 box could be configured with a
Gigabit NIC and (as with cable internet over lan) maintain ~
30MBps (that's megaBYTES) providing a sufficiently newer
hard drive and ATA66 or higher, perhaps jumbo frames/etc (in
other words, optimizing the system in other ways prudent to
the task, the CPU would be up to the task).