There are no Temporary files created on the server by FP
- they are all created on any user's PC
- the ones you are referring to are the current web's FP META data as web cache files in his folder:
%AppData%\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
More than likely the OP site is "growing" because of his log files
|I think Larry is asking why his web space continues to grow when he has not
| added any content to it.......or at least not added any content compared to
| the amount it has grown. There is a place on the advanced tab of Site
| Settings when you have the web loaded FrontPage that is on the server that
| allows you to delete temporary files. I have not noticed that taking up much
| space though. It could also be that if you have an e-mail account with your
| web space that mail is taking up space too.
| Jeff
| | > The space is determined strictly by what your host wants it to be. We
| > can't
| > tell you. Only they can ;-)
| > --
| > ===
| > Tom "Pepper" Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > ---
| > About FrontPage 2003:
| >
| > How to ask a newsgroup question:
| >
| > ===
| > | > |I started getting warnings from my provider that I was almost exceeding
| > | my alloted space. I checked and my site was no larger than ususal so
| > | from my control panel removed and reinstalled the FP ServerExtensions.
| > | This resulted in a saving of over 4meg. How is this excess space
| > | accumulated and is there a way to stop it from happening?
| > | Larry
| > |
| > | --
| > | For your security and peace of mind ALL emails are automatically
| > | scanned with the latest Norton AV Virus Definitions.
| > | Not that I have any virus' but why not be careful!
| > | I get virus signature updates regularly!
| > | -----------------
| > | A Belt and Suspenders are the best security invented!
| >
| >