While viewing pictures online, they show up on my computer as pixelized,
unclear/not in their fullest quality. I have to right click on the picture
and select 'display image with full quality' to see a non-pixelized, clear,
picture. I've been trying to figure out how to configure my computer for it
to show up in its fullest quality, but I can't find out how. If anyone has
had or has this similar problem, and knows how to fix it, please reply. It
would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
unclear/not in their fullest quality. I have to right click on the picture
and select 'display image with full quality' to see a non-pixelized, clear,
picture. I've been trying to figure out how to configure my computer for it
to show up in its fullest quality, but I can't find out how. If anyone has
had or has this similar problem, and knows how to fix it, please reply. It
would be greatly appreciated, thank you.