OnePlus 5T


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
ArsTechnica take a look at the OnePlus 5T smartphone, which comes feature packed and costs a lot less than similar rivals. The 64GB version costs £449, direct from OnePlus.

After launching the OnePlus 5 earlier this year, OnePlus is back with an end-of-year upgrade for the device. The OnePlus 5T takes a winning formula—high-end specs with a low price tag and a metal body—and reworks the front of the phone to dedicate as much space as possible to the screen. This device has a new screen, a new button layout, a new fingerprint reader, and a new camera setup. It almost feels like a totally new device.

We liked the OnePlus 5 from earlier in the year, but, with the more modern design, OnePlus has fixed OnePlus 5's biggest downside. The result is something that is extremely compelling—a $500 phone that makes you question exactly why you'd give $800 to those other OEMs when this has nearly everything the more expensive phones have.

Read the rest here:
This looks a little more palatable then an iPhone X for £1000!

Am I right in thinking that that OnePlus have been pretty responsive with patches and rolling out Android versions @V_R? At least in your experience?
Lol, The iPX is ridiculous pricing...

I've been keeping a firm eye on this. Not going to lie, its made me really rethink the Pixel 2XL. I've always said the 2XL is too expensive, and this along with the blue tint makes it feel even more over priced...... :/

The thing is, the 2XL is a great phone, with an 'ok' screen and a hefty price tag. Hey maybe its buyers remorse, maybe I've come to my senses, I dunno, but I'm having a hard time justifying the £800 for the P2XL at the moment, especially as this is £300 less for twice as much storage.

I know the camera won't be as good, but is that worth £300?

So, yeah. I've ordered a 5T. One of them will be going back. I have until this time next week to return the Pixel. The 5T will be here on Thursday or Friday. :blush:

Yeah OP are good for updates Ian. When I had the OP5 back in June for the week I had it it got 2 or 3 patches. That was the first week but still very responsive in fixing bugs.

This will get Oreo early 2018 apparently (It should have shipped with it IMO but hey) There is an Oreo beta for the 3 and 3T going on as we speak.

One of the advantages of being a near stock device. :)
Hahahaha, I did wonder if you were going to get one of these :D.

I think I'll be going for a OP phone next time around, now that I know that they're good with patching :).
I know, I can't help myself! It also doesn't help that I can never make up my mind. :blush:
Got my refund for the 5T today. Good hardware, love the near stock software, but the camera is lacking. The glass isn't bad but the software needs a lot of work (same as the 5 tbh) Way too over processed and just lacking in detail.

Shame really, as it kind of lets it down a bit. that said, if the camera isn't a priority, its a hell of a phone for the money. :thumb:

On the plus side, OP's CS were really good, dead easy to deal with.
A real shame if it's just the camera letting it down - how would the camera compare to some of the older Samsung S3/4/5 phones or older iPhones?
I've seen lots of people/reviews saying its the equivalent of a 2015/6 camera. Its not that it's bad, just that the software needs work, its a bit aggressive with PP giving a bit of a watercolour look to photos - apparently its not as bad in manual mode so hopefully this can be fixed in a future update or two.

Its actually not too bad in decent lighting, but at low light it struggles, despite the second lens that is supposed to be for low light..

That said, it does take really good photos in the right conditions. You just have to be in said good conditions.

Maybe if I hadn't had the Pixel 2 XL I'd be more happy with it, but my word the camera on the P2XL is some next level stuff!

Camera aside though the OP5T is a fantastic phone with awesome hardware, and a great software experience. Its also terrific value for money. :thumb: