Paul Walker
I got an alert stating the following from Microsoft AntiSpyware at 8/10/2005
11:32 PM and again at 8/15/2005 3:06 PM .
"The entry oneclicksearches.com pointing to IP address has been
automatically allowed to be added to the Windows Hosts file. This Hosts file
change was allowed based on your previous input."
I do not remember ever allowing this setting but sure enough, there was an
entry in the Manage Allowed/Blocked Host Entrys (n.b. s/b spelt "Entries")
listing this host. I also got another one stating.
"The user Dad, has decided to block the entry letsroll911.org pointing to IP
address from being added to the Windows Hosts file." 20 minutes
later on 8/15/2005
Is anyone aware of any exploits which target the hosts file. I am running
the latest and greatest security patches for XP SP 2.
I am especially interested in how it could have altered my allowed hosts
11:32 PM and again at 8/15/2005 3:06 PM .
"The entry oneclicksearches.com pointing to IP address has been
automatically allowed to be added to the Windows Hosts file. This Hosts file
change was allowed based on your previous input."
I do not remember ever allowing this setting but sure enough, there was an
entry in the Manage Allowed/Blocked Host Entrys (n.b. s/b spelt "Entries")
listing this host. I also got another one stating.
"The user Dad, has decided to block the entry letsroll911.org pointing to IP
address from being added to the Windows Hosts file." 20 minutes
later on 8/15/2005
Is anyone aware of any exploits which target the hosts file. I am running
the latest and greatest security patches for XP SP 2.
I am especially interested in how it could have altered my allowed hosts