One to may Or One to One? (350 fields all static)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Iram
  • Start date Start date


I am creating a table that requires more than 250 fields (total of about 350
fields). All of these fields are required per record. When I couldn't create
any more fields because of the limit I figured that I could create another
table and extend the fields into it by joining a common field in both tables
using a one to one relationship. The problem is that when I create a record
in the primary table I can't get the joined table to create auto create the
same common field like a One to Many relationship does automatically. How do
I mitigate this? I need about alot of fields for one record. Later I am going
to need help creating an audit table for all 350 fields joined across two
tables, but that's going to be a whole new question all on its own.


Ummm, you are committing spreadsheet with Access. I can't think of any
reason in the world that any table would need 250+ fields. Before you go
any further I would strongly suggest you read...

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

A free tutorial written by Crystal (MS Access MVP):

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:

OR maybe you really want to use Excel!

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors
I wish I had time to research this but I can't. I need to get this up and
running really soon. There are over 255 fields that describe one record and I
need to span into an additional table. Can some help with this?


Help with what? You are going to run into this problem with a query also.
If you don't stop and normalize now you are not only more work for yourself
you are in essence wasting your time. You can't even display this data like
this, there isn't a report that handle it without complications.

I will relinquish this question to someone else... a table that big is only
going to cause serious problems down the road.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors
I agree with Gina that this is too many fields. You haven't provided any
justification or information about your fields. What are you storing that you
think you need so many fields?
Steve said:

350 fields! Unequivocably the design of your tble is incorrect. You say in
your next post that time is of the essence. I provide help with Access
applications for a modest fee. Contact me if you want someone to design
your tables for you. My fee will be very modest.

(e-mail address removed)

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified individuals who gladly help for free. Stevie
is not one of them, but he is the only one who just does not get the idea of
"FREE" support. He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices. If he
was any good, the "thousands" of people he claims to have helped would be
flooding him with work, but there appears to be a continuous drought and he
needs to constantly grovel for work.

A few gems gleaned from the Word New User newsgroup over the Christmas
holidays to show Stevie's "expertise" in Word.

Dec 17, 2008 7:47 pm

Word 2007 ..........
In older versions of Word you could highlght some text then go to Format -
Change Case and change the case of the hoghloghted text. Is this still
available in Word 2007? Where?
Thanks! Steve

Dec 22, 2008 8:22 pm

I am designing a series of paystubs for a client. I start in landscape and
draw a table then add columns and rows to setup labels and their
corresponding value. This all works fine. After a landscape version is
completed, I next need to design a portrait version. Rather than strating
from scratch, I'd like to be able to cut and paste from the landscape
version and design the portrait version.

Dec 24, 2008, 1:12 PM

How do you protect the document for filling in forms?

One of my favourites:
Dec 30, 2008 8:07 PM - a reply to stevie
(The original poster asked how to sort a list and stevie offered to create
the OP an Access database)
Yes, you are right but a database is the correct tool to use not a

Not at all. If it's just a simple list then a spreadsheet is perfectly

John... Visio MVP
I will keep you in mind for I know I will need it and would pay you. I did
find a work around afterall. I did join the two tables and I was able to
continue the records by...

On a "Form" that deals wth the second table (continuation table) I made the
common field/joined field's (one to one) "Default" setting to be the same as
whatever is common field in the first form thus creating the identical common
data in the second field when I opened that secondary form.
Does this make sense?

Some day when I got money I sure would like to contact you for consulting on
a better aproach for 350 fields that relate to one record and how to audit
changes to any of thte 350 fields. I am currently doing this project for my
church. Some of the fields are reoccuring and I know how to make subforms and
subtables however it would of changed the layout of the print form
drastically from what it is now and which I can't change.

Careful. Stevie is our local troll who likes to offer questionable services
at unreasonable prices. These newsgroups are for FREE advice.

John... Visio MVP

I can by no means tell you who to use or who not to use, HOWEVER, I would
STRONGLY recommend you check the references and qualifications of the person
you choose to hire. I will add that in these FREE newsgroups the UNPAID
volunteers will gladly provide you help for FREE from table design right up
until the database is finished. No one here, with the exception of Steve,
will ask for one penny as long as you post your question here in the FREE

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors
Iram, ... and you would definitely be wasting your money if you take stevie
up on his offer. These newsgroups are for FREE peer to peer support and
anyone who can not respect the basic rules of these newsgroups is NOT
someone you should trust.

John.. Visio MVP
Iram said:
I wish I had time to research this but I can't. I need to get this up and
running really soon.

From our viewpoint the situation is that of a person who is about to
drive straight down a very steep mountain when there is a switchback
road that will take you hours to safely get to the bottom.

You'll get to the bottom very fast but you'll need to do a lot of
repairs to the vehicle given how much it was rolling end over end and
sideways on the way down.

Good luck.

The problem is that posters come to these newsgroups and are assaulted by
out local troll, unaware of his reputation.

John... Visio MVP
I am creating a table that requires more than 250 fields (total of about 350
fields). All of these fields are required per record.

As everyone else has said, this table design IS WRONG on its face.

Please post the names and meanings of a few of these fields. I'm all but
certain that you have one or more on-to-many relationships embedded in each
record. "Fields are expensive, records are cheap"; you may well need to invest
some time and effort in changing the structure of your tables, but adding new
fields ad infinitum is absolutely the WRONG way to go, and will get you in no
end of trouble.
I want you all to know that I am not going to hire Steve for anything after
reading all of your caring responses. I appreciate you guys like you guys
can't believe. I only wish that Microsoft would compensate you guys with
Cruises and vacation trips...
Although I got the continuation of the fields to extend into another table
successfully I am considering changing the table structure in the next
revision. 250+ fields are required to describe one record because each record
tracks an application (someone applying for a job) that has that many fields.
Changes will be made to the record over time however I plan on tracking the
changes with an audit table. I am really familiar with one-to-many tables and
forms however by using them it will change the look of the data entry form
which needs to stay the same as the paper format that the approvers of the
applications are used to...

Trying to structure your table to match a paper format is a common mistake.
The paper display should never dictate the actual data storage.

I would consider creating tables like:

tblApplication (one record per application)
appAppID autonumber primary key

tblAttribute (one record corresponding with previous many fields)
attAttID autonumber primary key
attName values such as "highest education level", "Salary request",...
attActive yes/no

tblAppAttribs (possibly 300+ records for each applicant
apaApAID autonumber primary key
apaAppID links to tblApplication.appAppID
apaAttID links to tblAttribute.attAttID
apaValue values such as "HS Grad", "BS", "GED",...

This solution would allow you to add attributes without changing structures.
There is a similar structure in "At Your Survey" and Employee