One timezone, Two Cities > Calendar - Scheduling
I view only this:
Busy - Blue
Tenteative - Blue stripe
Out of Office - Violet
No Information - White stripe
Exist some another colors / tools?
For example. I am in City A and I scheduling meeting with my group, but some
fellows traveling every time between City A and City B.
Some partner scheduled meeting with my fellow at City B, but I got not
inform about it.
I want use only one calendar
I view only this:
Busy - Blue
Tenteative - Blue stripe
Out of Office - Violet
No Information - White stripe
Exist some another colors / tools?
For example. I am in City A and I scheduling meeting with my group, but some
fellows traveling every time between City A and City B.
Some partner scheduled meeting with my fellow at City B, but I got not
inform about it.
I want use only one calendar