One thing I miss: double right click


Don Wiss

One thing I miss here in VBA is the double right click. In VBA it just
flashes the single right click menu twice. But in my other language, APL,
if doubled clicked on a function it brings you to the editor with that
function open. I don't see why Excel can't use that as a goto to take you
to the start of that function or macro. Then some key sequence to take you
back would be nice. E.g. F5, <enter>. (In APL, as you are in the editor for
that function, you can either Exit (and save) ^E, or Quit (without save)

Don <donwiss at>.


You are using APL+Win, I expect, where if you double right click on the name
of a function, it opens it within the editor. This is not standard across
APLX, APL2 and Dyalog!
With VBA, you will need to be in the VBE: if you come across a name
(variable or function or sub) on an line of code, you can right click on it
and then select Definition to get more or less the same effect. Moreover,
from the new position, ou can right click again and select Last Position to
jump back to whence you came. Also, you might learn to use Bookmarks to be
able to jump to random preselected points.

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