Kimmy T

I am trying to sort an Excel spreadsheet alphabetically. All but one row will
sort correctly. I have deleted the row and retyped the info, checked to make
sure the properties are the same as the other rows and there is not a space.
Any idea what is going on?

Gord Dibben

Is the data text strings?

Where is the bad cell located?

If in top row perhaps you have "my column has headers" checkmarked?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Kimmy T

I was trying to sort a list of cooler manufacturers alphabetically, the name
in the cell that wouldn't sort was True. After posting this question and
talking to several other people, I changed the name in that cell to True Mfg,
now it sorts correctly. I guess it has to do with the "logical sort order"
where FALSE will be sorted before TRUE (per Excel help). I made up a new
spread sheet of words including true & false, true always ended up at the
bottom of the list and both words would change to caps. Thank you for taking
the time to respond to my post.

Sandy Mann

You could enter an apostrophe before entering True then XL will treat it as
text not a Boolean


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