thank you Karl Dewey for helping me combine two fields in a bar chart legend,
but is there any way to insert a new line instead of a hypen seperationg
these two fields so that the part number is on one line under the bar and the
description is on another line?
I am finding that it is great to have this info but the bar chart is getting
squished or the fields are getting cut off.
SELECT TOP 10 ([Assembly Number] &"-"& Left([IDESC],10)) AS Expr1,
(Sum([Pass Quantity])/(Sum([Pass Quantity])+Sum([Fail Quantity]))*100) AS
[FPY by Operation] FROM [metrics problem qry] GROUP BY ([Assembly Number]
&"-"& Left([IDESC],10)) HAVING (((Sum([metrics problem qry].[Pass
Quantity]))>0)) ORDER BY ((Sum([Pass Quantity])/(Sum([Pass Quantity])+
Sum([Fail Quantity]))*100)), ([Assembly Number] &"-"& Left([IDESC],10));
but is there any way to insert a new line instead of a hypen seperationg
these two fields so that the part number is on one line under the bar and the
description is on another line?
I am finding that it is great to have this info but the bar chart is getting
squished or the fields are getting cut off.
SELECT TOP 10 ([Assembly Number] &"-"& Left([IDESC],10)) AS Expr1,
(Sum([Pass Quantity])/(Sum([Pass Quantity])+Sum([Fail Quantity]))*100) AS
[FPY by Operation] FROM [metrics problem qry] GROUP BY ([Assembly Number]
&"-"& Left([IDESC],10)) HAVING (((Sum([metrics problem qry].[Pass
Quantity]))>0)) ORDER BY ((Sum([Pass Quantity])/(Sum([Pass Quantity])+
Sum([Fail Quantity]))*100)), ([Assembly Number] &"-"& Left([IDESC],10));