Should have included the below URL for OneCare, including the proper release
date, sometimes things change by a day or so...
Please visit OneCare's (below) URL for a better understanding for what One
Care performs; One feature is virus scan.
The Vista compatible version of Windows OneCare will be available starting
January 30th. You can download the new Windows Vista 90 trial version
beginning January 30th here:
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"Why OneCare?
Help get peace of mind knowing that everything is managed for you—virus and
spyware scanning, firewalls, tune-ups, file backups, the whole nine yards.
And it's all delivered to you in a smooth, hassle-free package"
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Life is Wonderful while using Vista solo !
Posting & Painting
"Painting, n.: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather, and
exposing them to the critic."
Ambrose Bierce