One Instance of IE


Thomas Humble

IE 6.0.2800.1106 is causing me problems. Currently it
will only allow one instance of itself running at any
time. Sometimes when I click on a new URL IE will go to
that site and grey out the BACK button.

Here are the things I have done to this point to correct
the problem:

Ran: regsvr32 oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
regsvr32 pdm32.dll
and on a few others listed in a KB article.

Made sure the checkbox in Internet Options -> Advanced
tab -> "Reuse windows for launching Shortcuts."

Help! Thanks,

Tom Humble

Don Varnau

You probably have a program running which is blocking pop-up windows-
something like Yahoo Companion, Google toolbar, MSN toolbar, a firewall,
Earthlink (or another) pop-up blocker, MyIE2 (or another shell for IE) etc.

You'll have to turn off the feature that's blocking new windows or, perhaps,
uninstall the program.

BHO Demon from may find the
offending program/BHO.

Or it could be caused by spyware/parasites. Work through the solutions
(CWShredder, Ad-aware, Spybot) at Also note the security tips on that

Additional information at:
The Parasite Fight
More security tips at
Bugs, Glitches & Stuffups:

Hope this helps,
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