One for the Pedal Pushers


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
A new kind of bike lamp:

Straight out of the box, the Rydon Pixio comes charged with about two years of light. An embedded high-efficiency solar panel continues to charge as you ride. A single hour of sun produces three hours of LED light, and the battery is fully recharged—and good for another 2 years—after 5 sunny days.

Here's how it looks:

This looks especially good for kids, they never maintain anything on their bikes, least of all the lights.

I like the pink one. :D
Well, I suppose everyone will be using them in the future. :)

Especially as the price gradually comes down.

Surprised no-one thought of it earlier.
I'll have me some of that if I see 'em on sale.

When I read the first post I thought it was the whole bicycle that lit up. Imagine a strong frame, transparent, with illuminated tubes in each section, all charged from solar panels. A complete illuminated bicycle :)

Boing! Hello, is that the patents office...
Brilliant as a safety feature but pretty useless as a headlight, you cycle down a pitch black path through a forest and I bet you wouldn't be able to see a thing, I know cause I have had to do that many times through epping forest with no streetlamps on the road!