One for the Networking Fellas

Jan 17, 2006
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Now I can't find a group to post this on so i'm just gonna go for hardware general. I currently try to game on xbox360 or pc at night like everyone else. However, when i've been connected for 10 minutes, then say, my house mate decides to stream a video of himself for the next two hours. I obviously get bad response times, and all of a sudden i'm chucked out the games cus of lag.

I need help! Is there any sort of bandwidth allocator i can get? One that would give me 50% of all network traffic say, and himself only 25% does anything like this exist?

PLS HELP! I have the urge for CS:S and Forza 2!
nope ...

Not really ...

Think water, If you turn one tap on, the water gushes out. If you turn more taps on at the same time in the house, the water-flow slows down in each of the taps. A tap opened just slightly will still deliver a trickle, but two taps fully open will deliver only half of what their maximum capacity.

Unless your router has an option to prioritise different types of traffic, or packets, based on Quality Of Service (QOS), it is first come, first served. There may be other options to prioritise the individual ports on the switch/router, but those solutions will require more sophisticated and costly equipment and software.

Oh, if you do find a solution that works for the home PC, patent it. ;)

I have found a solution for the home pc muck. However, it is already made by Linksys so there is no chance of me patenting it. Good thing is that it's affordable performance. You can prioritise the traffic using MAC Address, Online Games, Applications or ethernet port. Looks like i'm changing even if he has moved out now!

Go to page 50 of the user manual, and realise what a god send it is!!
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Nice ... a little OTT for the home user, but, if needs must, then what the heck.

Enjoy! :thumb:

muckshifter said:
Nice ... a little OTT for the home user, but, if needs must, then what the heck.

Enjoy! :thumb:


....only the design! lol