In many of my MFC projects, I use the OnCtlColor() message event to
easily single source highlight/colorize/customize text labels and
controls. As described by MSDN:
The framework calls this member function when a child control
is about to be drawn. Most controls send this message to their
parent (usually a dialog box) to prepare the pDC for drawing the
control using the correct colors.
I am porting a MFC applet to VB.NET and I would like to do the same.
In this one project, it is a SDI main form with a dock fill tab
control with four tab pages. Page #1 (tabpage1) has at least 30 or so
static labels, textbox, listbox, buttons controls for displaying
server events, status and notification information. In the MFC
version, the user/operator has the option to customize what wants to
see, the display font and colors.
I'm looking at the property editor and I don't see a OnCtlColor for
the tabpage1 parent control (or it parents) but I do see some other
events that might apply. Not sure.
But I am wondering is there is VB.NET method that allows me to do this
or maybe even add a WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message handler via VB.NET?
In many of my MFC projects, I use the OnCtlColor() message event to
easily single source highlight/colorize/customize text labels and
controls. As described by MSDN:
The framework calls this member function when a child control
is about to be drawn. Most controls send this message to their
parent (usually a dialog box) to prepare the pDC for drawing the
control using the correct colors.
I am porting a MFC applet to VB.NET and I would like to do the same.
In this one project, it is a SDI main form with a dock fill tab
control with four tab pages. Page #1 (tabpage1) has at least 30 or so
static labels, textbox, listbox, buttons controls for displaying
server events, status and notification information. In the MFC
version, the user/operator has the option to customize what wants to
see, the display font and colors.
I'm looking at the property editor and I don't see a OnCtlColor for
the tabpage1 parent control (or it parents) but I do see some other
events that might apply. Not sure.
But I am wondering is there is VB.NET method that allows me to do this
or maybe even add a WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message handler via VB.NET?