on what OS is .NET currently supported ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris
  • Start date Start date
From MS - only Windows. There is a version of the .NET Framework for Unix.
I don't have the name of the company that provides it, but search this
thread, it is mentioned.
CLR means Common LANGUAGE Runtime. How does WinFS defeat a common language?
Hi Alvin,

I agree with Mike that WinFS does not defeats the purpost of the CLR. As
you know, WinFS will be implemented in Longhorn (next version of Windows).
You are writing system specific program targeting Longhor and later if you
use WinFS,

Have a nice day!


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You can use the following
a) for Mac OS
Rotor : The SCCLI framework provided by M
b) For *nix : you can use dotgnu or mono

As to the stuf about Avalon WinFX etc. I think there is a
gap here. When we talk about .Net, we talk of the CLI.

The CLI is the Common Language Infrastructure, a standard
that has been submitted by MS to ECMA.

Now this CLI has been implemented by Microsoft and this
implementation is what is CLR or the Common Language
Runtime. Similarly DotGnu and Mono have come out with
their own implementations(CLRs) based on the same CLI

The CLR here is the binding glue which looks at the tasks
of memory Management, Type Safety, Type verification,
Garbage Collection and other thuings. These features are
available in the MS CLR, DotGnu CLR, and the Mono CLR

That said, one level above the CLR is the FCL or the
Framework class library which provides the infrastructure
in the shape of pre-written libraries. Now these
libraries can be different in different vendors. So MS
might give a class library which caters to Avalon related
priogramming, whereas others might not. So i think
binding the FCL to the CLR is not the right thing to do

So i think the answer to the question "on what OS is .NET
currently supported ? " should be not based on the FCLs
but as to the implemntation of the CLR on the OS and i
think the answer to the question is as above



the MS patent that was part of the ECMA submission was
very broad, does it's submission to the ECMA standard
_guarantee_ it's free usage cover any and all parts of a
..NET reimplimatation or just the cli/clr, c#? can the
patent be used to collect royalties on other aspects of a
..NET reimplementation?