Dan said:
I recently saw an ad for a retailer w/a local store (no
shipping) for a Refurbished 21" IBM P260 Flat Trinitron
Monitor for $149 after $50 rebate. Seems like a pretty
good deal to replace my ~10 yo 17" NEC Multisync XE17.
Don't risk it unless the retailer offers a full money-back guarantee
and you can pay by credit card and because the term "refurbished" means
almost anything, from "barely repaired" to "thoroughly reconditioned,"
with the latter being far more rare.
The chief engineer of Viewsonic's Optiquest division admitted that
refurbished monitors sold by his company were merely repaired because
it was uneconomical to routinely recondition monitors. They weren't
even checked for every operating parameter, something easy for a
manufacturer to perform with an automated testing machine that presses
a bed of needles into the circuit boards.
I've seen good refurbished CRT monitors sold under the Dell and NEC
brands, but people have complained of the poor quality of factory
refurbished Hitachi monitors, and my own experience with 2 factory
refurbished Panasonic monitors in a row was horrendous. The first had
been dropped hard by Panasonic, and they forgot to reconnect 2 safety
grounds cables inside. With the second monitor the picture would
randomly and suddenly change brightness and tilt because a capacitor
was bad or had an unsoldered lead, the front bezel was gouged, and a
large metal shield was left out and caused interference on TV.
Panasonic sent me a new bezel but refused to supply the metal shield,
and they eventually had their legal department harass me. Nonetheless
I recommend Panasonic highly to everyone, just as Sigmund Freud had
recommended the Gestapho.