I can think of a way to do this, here's the general idea:
Use a public variable to hold tha name of the control that was active when
the first numeric key was clicked;
Use the On Lost Focus event of all target numeric controls to store the
control name to the aforementioned variable;
Use a public variable to temporarily hold the numeric key sequence;
Use a local variable to hold the sequence of numeric keys clicked;
Use an OK button on the numeric keypad to transfer the number corresponding
to the keys pressed back to the control;
Here's some sample code to be inserted in the form's module.
10 numeric keys called Key0 through Key9 (plus a KeyDec for decimals if you
need it)
OK key called KeyOK
Target numeric controls called TextA, TextB etc (change as required)
Public LastControl As String
Public NumString As String
Private Sub TextA_LostFocus()
LastControl = Me.ActiveControl.Name
NumString = ""
End Sub
Private Sub TextB_LostFocus()
LastControl = Me.ActiveControl.Name
NumString = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Key0_Click()
NumString = NumString & "0"
End Sub
Private Sub Key1_Click()
NumString = NumString & "1"
End Sub
Private Sub Key9_Click()
NumString = NumString & "9"
End Sub
Private Sub KeyDec_Click()
NumString = NumString & "."
End Sub
Private Sub KeyOK_Click()
Me.Controls(LastControl) = Val(NumString)
NumString = ""
End Sub
Here's some sample code, which assumes