On Open, Menu sits behind the Report

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I have a Form called Report Menu with Command Buttons to open variou
reports. When I click on one of the Reports, it opens behind th
Report Menu rather than in front. I have selected Auto Center and Aut
Resize to 'Yes' and PopUp = No for the Reports but Auto Center, Aut
Resize and PopUp = Yes on the Report Menu (form).

Is there code I can use to force the Report to open in front of th
Report Menu?

thank you

Perhaps I haven't had enough coffee, or maybe too much,
but as far as I know Pop-up is only an option for a form.
Pop-up keeps the window on top of other windows, so I
would set Pop-up to No for the Report Menu.
I wonder if your Reports are really forms. If they are
intended to be printed, they should probably be reports.
You can copy a form and save it as a report. It will give
you a lot more flexibility with printing, sorting, etc.