On Holiday


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry for the few posts recently, but my family holiday has taken all my time. We fly 2morrow morning at 7am from Manchester to Minorca for 2 weeks, so crunching will suffer also. Speak to you all soon.
Rush :thumb:
Enjoy the hol Rush :) You're going at a good time judging by the weather! :D
Thanks Folks ...get picked up at 2.30am ... still here with the wine ..

Hola !
Well folks its Monday Afternoon and a swealtering 94 degrees , just going for a dip before lunch...
Wish you were all here
We wish we were all there too Rush :p Glad you are having such a good time (she says through gritted teeth, looking out on a thoroughly grey, rainy, windy and generally 'orrible day :lol: ) Think I shall go and find a dip to go with our lunch :rolleyes: ..... not that I'm jealous or anything :eek: Seriously though, have a great holiday :nod: :thumb:
Not all good really, little Aaron fell on Saturday morning possibly fracturing or at the least badly bruising 2 fingers , spent 3 hours in Cituedella in the middle of there St Joan festivel where the islands private clinic is situated, all the buildings were shut and we had to walk to the other side of the town to get a taxi back to Calan bosch...very scary if you read up on it. The little man is happy enough though and with a bit of luck the support and bandages will be off for Saturday for our last week. CU all soon Rush.
Aww poor little guy, I'm sorry to hear about your little boy's accident Rush. Hope the damage will heal quickly for him :nod: Reckon it's deserving of an extra big helping of ice cream :thumb: :D Take care :wave:
Hope Aaron heals soon Rush! Luckily he can still get around ok, although it must hurt quite a bit! :o