On entering a product codeinto a form it automatically retrieves .

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I need to set up entry form were operators can enter a product or product
code and automatically retrieve or data pertaining to that product
I need to set up entry form were operators can enter a product or product
code and automatically retrieve or data pertaining to that product

If you're trying to retrieve product information from the Products
table, and copy that information into another table... DON'T. It is
neither necessary nor appropriate to store that information

If that's not what you're trying to do, please explain in more detail.

John W. Vinson[MVP]
John thanks for the response, what I am trying to do is have a blank set up
form that the operators fill in each time they set up a job, that on entering
the product description it will pull the information pertainingto that
product such as the correct product code and all the other variables std
weight, speed etc, as they will enter the actual variables and relevent
comments. Also as the machine may not always be the same, we need the
machine details once they enter the machine number into the set up form. The
form will assist to identify current approved materials, running conditions
etc and will be printed out and submitted for product approval.

John thanks for the response, what I am trying to do is have a blank set up
form that the operators fill in each time they set up a job, that on entering
the product description it will pull the information pertainingto that
product such as the correct product code and all the other variables std
weight, speed etc, as they will enter the actual variables and relevent
comments. Also as the machine may not always be the same, we need the
machine details once they enter the machine number into the set up form. The
form will assist to identify current approved materials, running conditions
etc and will be printed out and submitted for product approval.

Don't confuse data PRESENTATION - a printed report, say - with data
STORAGE - your table. They *are different features of your database*.
It sounds like you're using the word "form" in its usual sense, of a
sheet of paper with information on it. This would be a "Report" in
Access jargon; typically such a Report would be based on a query
pulling information together from one or several tables.

There is no need to create a table, or a record in a table, copying
the information in the product table into some other table. Instead,
you would have a Query pulling the desired information from the table
(or tables) as the basis for this printed report. The user would
perhaps use an unbound Form (an Access data form) to enter the
criteria for which product and other data needs to go onto the report.

John W. Vinson[MVP]