On Change - Revised

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Nelson
  • Start date Start date

Gary Nelson

In Access2000, I have a field on a sub-form that allows the user to change a
date and
another field on the main form that has a drop down of reasons the date is
going to be
changed. Once the date is changed, I would like the focus to be changed to
the "reason" drop down field, and not allow the user to exit the form until
a reason is selected. Can anyone offer code choices?

Thanks in adavnce for the help.
In the AfterUpdate event of the textbox that has the date, try something like

If IsDate(Me.txtDate) Then
DateChanged = True
Msgbox "Not a valid date. Try again.", vbokonly+vbExclamation, "Invalid Date"
End If

When you set the focus to the control on the parent form, the record will be saved on the
subform. DateChanged could be a global variable that you would set to true when the date
is changed and set to false when the reason is selected. In the main form's UnLoad event,
you could check the value of this variable and Cancel the unload if the variable is True.