Ed Mullikin
I have used Word for years! A lady of our acquaintance wanted to use it to
do a little work. Somehow, a sentence of hers got an unwanted faint dotted
line under it and when we printed her document the underlined sentence
failed to print. I erased the affected sentence plus some other characters
in the beginning and end. I then retyped the affected sentence and this
time it printed the way it was shown on the screen. What happened and how
do I prevet it from happening again?
do a little work. Somehow, a sentence of hers got an unwanted faint dotted
line under it and when we printed her document the underlined sentence
failed to print. I erased the affected sentence plus some other characters
in the beginning and end. I then retyped the affected sentence and this
time it printed the way it was shown on the screen. What happened and how
do I prevet it from happening again?