| Interesting Ian wrote:
| > | > |
| > |
| > |
| > | this means, this footage must be from ATI's R600 (next-gen Radeon) or
| > | Nvidia's NV50 / G80 (next-gen GeForce) hardware. wow.
| > |
| > |
| > | console versions of Crysis are NOT in the works, since Xbox 360 and
| > | PlayStation3 are simply not powerful enough according to Crytek. I
| >
| > Not powerful enough?? PS 3 hasn't even come out yet! :-( I was
| > about buying one as well.
| THAT'S RIGHT, PS3 isn't powerful enough. so WHAT if it hasn't come out
| yet. The range of possible specs for the PS3 GPU are well known. it's
| based on NV47 / G70 / G71, but with only half the pixel rendering
| pipelines and half the memory bus width that connects to graphics
| memory. RSX is a lowend GPU by late 2006 standards.
| CELL might be powerful enough as a CPU once developers come to grips
| with it, but, CELL won't make the graphics chip do anything beyond the
| graphics chip's limits.
| If Crysis was translated to PS3 (and Crytek said they won't be doing
| that), it would have to be severely downgraded.
| not unlike Half Life 2 was on the original Xbox.
| this does not rule out different Crytek games being made for consoles,
| just not Crysis in its current form anytime in the foreseeable future.
| their words, not mine.
| hey off topic, I was thinking (always a dangerous thing lol) that a
| beefed up Crysis engine running on the refreshed, mid-life upgrades of
| the new ATI/Nvidia GPUs, meaning R680 or R700 and NV55 / G90, which
| should be coming out late 2007 or early 2008
| (2-4 of them, SLI / CrossFire) on quad AMD or Intel CPU platforms, and
| a BUTT LOAD of RAM, might be able to handle the Killzone E3 2005
| trailer, realtime

| AMD's so called 4x4 platform, coming out pretty soon with 4 CPU cores
| and 4 graphics cards / GPU is said to be one of the ideal platforms for
| running Crysis according to Crytek. I was thinking on such a platform
| Killzone PC and other games could actually live up to the E3 2005 PS3
| hype, just not on PS3

| better yet, wait for AMD's new K8l processor, 4 cores on one die,
| reducing price, and 2 graphics cards of the R700 / G90 generation.
| we're not talking technology that's years and years away like *PS4* but
| 1 ~ 1.5 years away

| but I do agree for the masses, Xbox 360 and PS3 are where most of the
| best games, for an affordable price, will be going, for years. It'll
| take a $2000 PC to run Crysis even at ~30fps (1 new GPU, 1 dual-core
| CPU)
I was just wondering if I should buy a console -- either the 360 or PS 3.
There a far cry game for the 360 which I believe is distinct from the PC
version. Trouble is I've heard that the xbox 360's are very unreliable and
keep crashing. So I was thinking about the PS 3. But not sure if the far
cry games will be available on it nevermind crysis!
Or maybe I should just buy a new PC sometime within the next 18 months. My
current one is 4.5 years old now (AMD XP1800 and ti4200 graphics card) and
can't really play modern games (hence my vacillation on whether I should buy
a games console or not).