In responce to CHUCKS question,
The error that i get is,
Click on to browse then get in a box
microsoft visual C++ Runtime error!
program:E:\Program Files\OLYMPUS\OLYMPUS Master\OLYMPUS Master.exe.
abnormal programme termination
Hope that someone can help as getting very frustrated with the thing now and
also annoyed that can't even uninstall if there was a problem with
installation then could do again, but can't install again when still on there.
thanks Mistiblue
The error that i get is,
Click on to browse then get in a box
microsoft visual C++ Runtime error!
program:E:\Program Files\OLYMPUS\OLYMPUS Master\OLYMPUS Master.exe.
abnormal programme termination
Hope that someone can help as getting very frustrated with the thing now and
also annoyed that can't even uninstall if there was a problem with
installation then could do again, but can't install again when still on there.
thanks Mistiblue