Below is the code for the entire module. The two fields/variables I am
concerned with in the "Notify User" sub-routine are "Fullname" and
"TicketID". These fields (on the Outlook Form) will always be populated
the (Edit Read Page), so I should be able to just retrieve the data from
those fields [Right?]?
'-----------------OnLine Service Request-------------------
'----Code Updated on January 12 2005 by Bill Billmire----
'-----------Added Printing Routine (1/10/2005)------------
'---------Added Notify User Routine (1/12/2005)----------
Option Explicit
'----------Ticket ID & Window Size and Placement---------
Dim UserName
Dim Trimmed
Dim TicketID
Dim NowID
Dim MyDate
Dim objInspector ' Inspector object
Sub Item_Open()
If Item.CreationTime = #1/1/4501# Then
Set objInspector = Item.GetInspector
objInspector.Left = 0
objInspector.Width = 640
objInspector.Top = 0
objInspector.Height = 485
Set objInspector = Nothing
ElseIf Item.Size <> 0 Then
Set objInspector = Item.GetInspector
objInspector.Left = 0
objInspector.Width = 640
objInspector.Top = 0
objInspector.Height = 665
Set objInspector = Nothing
End If
If (Item.SenderName = "") Then
UserName = Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser
Trimmed = TrimUserName(UserName)
NowID = Now
MyDate = CreateDateAsNumber(NowID)
TicketID = Trimmed & MyDate
Item.UserProperties.Find("TicketID").Value = TicketID
End If
End Sub
Function TrimUserName(ByVal UserName)
Dim CharName
Dim AscName
Dim KeepName
Dim RightName
Dim i
KeepName = ""
For i = 0 To 2
CharName = Mid(UCase(UserName), i + 1, 1)
AscName = Asc(CharName)
If ((AscName >= 48) and (AscName <= 57)) or ((AscName >= 65) and (AscName
<=90)) Then
KeepName = KeepName + CStr(AscName)
End If
RightName = Right(KeepName, 6)
TrimUserName = RightName
End Function
Function CreateDateAsNumber(ByVal NowID)
Dim i
Dim CharName
Dim AscName
Dim KeepName
Dim RightID
For i = 0 To 16
CharName = Mid(UCase(NowID), i + 1, 1)
AscName = Asc(CharName)
If ((AscName >= 48) and (AscName <= 57)) Then
KeepName = KeepName + CStr(CharName)
End If
RightID = Right(KeepName, 6)
CreateDateAsNumber = RightID
End Function
'-------Online_Service_Request-Command Buttons-----------
Dim MyNameSpace
Function UpdateTicket_Click()
Call NotifyUser
End Function
Function ClosedBy_Click()
Set MyNameSpace = Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Item.UserProperties.Find("ClosedBy").Value = MyNameSpace.CurrentUser
End Function
'-------------------Autofill Section---------------------
Dim strUserName ' UserName
Dim strRetCode ' Return Code of MAPI Logon
Dim strDeptName ' Department Name
Dim strDispName ' Display Name
Dim strCust1 ' Custom attribute field 1
Dim strCust2 ' Custom attribute field 2
Dim objSession ' MAPI Session
Dim objAddrEntries ' Current Object
Dim objFilter ' Address Entry Filter
Dim objDisplayName ' DisplayName
Dim objAddressEntry ' Current Address Entry
Set objInspector = Nothing
Set objAddrEntries = Nothing
Set objAddressEntry = Nothing
' MAPI property tags for the most common mailbox properties
Public Const CdoPR_MHS_COMMON_NAME = &H3A0F001E ' Offline Alias
Public Const CdoPR_DISPLAY_NAME = &H3001001E ' DisplayName
Public Const CdoPR_DEPARTMENT_NAME = &H3A18001E ' Department Name
'Public Const CdoPR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER = &H3A08001E ' Phone and
Business phone
' Custom Attribute MAPI property tags
Public Const strServer = "MyServer"
Public Const strMailbox = "MyMailbox"
Function SetName_Click()
Set MyNameSpace = Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Item.UserProperties.Find("Fullname").Value = MyNameSpace.Currentuser
Set strUserName = MyNameSpace.currentuser
' Create session
Set objSession = Application.CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
strRetCode = objSession.Logon(strUserName, "", False, False, 0)
' strRetCode =
objSession.Logon(Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser, "", False,
False, 0)
' If strUserName not found
If Trim(strUserName) = "" Then
' Error creating session, show error message and exit
MsgBox "Undefinied error. Errorcode: " & strRetCode & ". Please contact
your System Administrator", 48, "Microsoft Outlook"
Item_Open = False
strRetCode = "OK"
End If
' Set Subject (it looks better than <untitled>, or ?)
Item.Subject = "Online Service Request"
Set objAddrEntries = objSession.AddressLists("Global Address
Set objFilter = objAddrEntries.Filter
objFilter.Fields.Add CdoPR_DISPLAY_NAME, strUserName
For Each objAddressEntry In objAddrEntries
On Error Resume Next
strDispName = objAddressEntry.Fields (CdoPR_DISPLAY_NAME).Value
strDeptName = objAddressEntry.Fields (CdoPR_DEPARTMENT_NAME).Value
strCust1 = objAddressEntry.Fields
strCust2 = objAddressEntry.Fields
= strDispName
If Trim(strDeptName) <> "" Then
= strDeptName
End If
If Trim(strCust1) <> "" Then
= strCust1
End If
If Trim(strCust2) <> "" Then
= strCust2
End If
End Function
'----------------------Printing Routine------------------------
Dim objWord
Dim strTemplate
Dim strField
Dim strField1
Dim objDoc
Dim objMark
Dim mybklist
Dim counter
Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
' Put the name of the Word template that contains the bookmarks
strTemplate = ""
' Location of Word template; could be on a shared LAN
strTemplate = "\\ivory\forms\" & strTemplate
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add(strTemplate)
Set mybklist = objDoc.Bookmarks
For counter = 1 to mybklist.count
Set objMark = objDoc.Bookmarks(counter)
strField = objMark.Name
If strField = "SentField" then
strField1 = CStr(Item.SentOn)
ElseIf strField = True then
objDoc.FormFields(objMark.Name).CheckBox.Value = True
ElseIf strField = False then
objDoc.FormFields(objMark.Name).CheckBox.Value = False
strField1 = Item.UserProperties(strField)
End If
objMark.Range.InsertBefore strField1
msgbox "Printing to " & objWord.ActivePrinter
objDoc.PrintOut 0
' Clean Up
' objDoc = Nothing
' objWord = Nothing
End Sub
'--------------Send Update to User---------------
Sub NotifyUser()
Dim myOlApp 'as New Outlook.Application
Dim myItem 'as Outlook.MailItem
Dim myNotify
Dim olMailItem
Dim myRecipient 'as Outlook.Recipient
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
strDispName =
TicketID = Item.UserProperties.Find("TicketID").Value
Set myRecipient = myItem.Recipients.Add(strDispName)
' If myNotify.Updated Then
myItem.Subject = "Updates have occurred on your OSR, Ticket ID: " &
myItem.Body = "To review the updates to your Help Desk Ticket, look in
Public Folders (Help Desk Queue)."
' End If
End Sub
'-------------------CDO Installation Routine---------------------
'Function IsCDOInstalled()
'Dim testCDOobj
' On Error Resume Next
' Set testCDOobj = Application.CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
' If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' IsCDOInstalled = False
' Else
' IsCDOInstalled = True
' end if
' If Not testCDOobj Is Nothing Then
' Set testCDOobj = Nothing
' End If
' Exit Function
'End Function
'Function InstallCDO()
'Dim blnSuccess
'Dim objInstaller
'Dim strProductId, strFeatureName
' On Error Resume Next
' Set objInstaller =
' strProductId = Application.ProductCode
' strFeatureName = "OutlookCDO"
' If objInstaller.FeatureState(strProductId, strFeatureName) <> 3 Then
' objInstaller.ConfigureFeature strProductId, strFeatureName, 3
' If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' blnSuccess = False
' Else
' blnSuccess = True
' End If
' Else
' blnSuccess = True
' End If
' Install = blnSuccess
'End Function