I've made some changes to the structure of my code around a bunch of my pages
which access the database and now I'm getting a very occasional error at
DataBind() time saying that my OleDbDataReader object is already closed.
I'm working on debugging this but, in the mean time, I wanted to see if
someone could explain to me *when* a DataReader object gets closed, because
this comfuses me. I'm assuming that the DataReader object gets closed and
becomes inaccessible when the Database Connection object is closed. Fine. But
other their other circumstances when the DataReader gets closed even when the
database Connection is still open?
which access the database and now I'm getting a very occasional error at
DataBind() time saying that my OleDbDataReader object is already closed.
I'm working on debugging this but, in the mean time, I wanted to see if
someone could explain to me *when* a DataReader object gets closed, because
this comfuses me. I'm assuming that the DataReader object gets closed and
becomes inaccessible when the Database Connection object is closed. Fine. But
other their other circumstances when the DataReader gets closed even when the
database Connection is still open?