£ukasz Ledóchowski
I am using OleDbConnection to access SQL Server and Oracle databases.
On SQL Server I have a table that is used to store files in TEXT data
type field. It should be IMAGE, but I didn't create the table and can't
change it. When I try to access this field by OleDbCommand and
OleDbDataReader, I get string value. String, that doesn't represent
whole file, but only first bytes of file, ending with 0. Of course, if
I access IMAGE field, I get byte array and everything works fine. What
can I do to access TEXT field through OleDbConnection and get byte
I am using OleDbConnection to access SQL Server and Oracle databases.
On SQL Server I have a table that is used to store files in TEXT data
type field. It should be IMAGE, but I didn't create the table and can't
change it. When I try to access this field by OleDbCommand and
OleDbDataReader, I get string value. String, that doesn't represent
whole file, but only first bytes of file, ending with 0. Of course, if
I access IMAGE field, I get byte array and everything works fine. What
can I do to access TEXT field through OleDbConnection and get byte