Oledb error

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Hi all,
I've a problem with a custom VB6 application.
The program connects a Sql server via ADO, the code lines are:

Set aCon = New ADODB.Connection
Set aRs = New ADODB.Recordset
and the connectionstring is
"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=USER;Password=PWD;Initial

This program works fine on MS Win 2k,Xp Home/Pro, but when I launch it
from Xp embedded (SP1 or SP2) I get the error "-2147467259 Unspecified
I've tried to reinstall MDAC 2.8, re-register every ADO/OLEDB dlls, but
nothing change!

Could anyone help me???

Just in case, did you add Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Library component to the
Looks like this device does not have
all needed infrastructure or modules
to support VB6 runtime and/or ADO properly work.

During XPe image devlopment developer selects needed components then
resolve dependencies needed for properly working and finaly build image.
So if image/device does not contain VB6 amd ADO "out-of-the-box"
it's very likely that image does not contain needed
infrastructure or modules to support properly work of VB6 and/or ADO.

I agree with you, but I still have a doubt; if I install MDAC 2.8 and
the VB6 setup program includes every VB runtime needed files, which
other components are needed??

Thanks a lot.

According the help MDAC has a lot of dependencies (40) including MFC, ATL,
MSDTS and msxml
but VB runtime practicaly depends on the base system binaries.

I think that poblem is connected to the absence of some system
infrastructure needed for MDAC.
Right solution is to request supplier to rebuild XPe image to include MDAC
and VB.

If you need more detailed information about MDAC dependencies, please e-mail
me directly
and I will send you the list.
