OLED wallpaper


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Source: Press Association

New "light emitting wallpaper" could be developed to replace traditional light bulbs and cut carbon emissions from lighting in the next few years, it has been claimed.....

....The organic light emitting diodes (OLED) technology, which can be coated onto a thin flexible film to cover walls like wallpaper, can also be used for flat screen televisions, computers and mobile phone displays.

Full story HERE
Interesting stuff. :thumb: I imagine it will be expensive to begin with but if it takes off it should get much cheaper.

I notice it's a Welsh company. Doesn't belong to you does it, TC? :p
nivrip said:
I notice it's a Welsh company. Doesn't belong to you does it, TC? :p

No Niv... we rely on our cats' eyes to light our way in the dark here :p
Yea i posted something about this quite a while ago. It would enable a full screen on all four walls of a room. Incredible for gaming if they can pull the hardware to power it out of their hats.

Imagine play RPGs of FPS standing in the centre of a room with full surround sound and scrolling. Much like a a holodeck in TNG. Now integrate that with holography or HUD's!


Maybe im a bit ahead of myself? Naah never. It's happening already
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Thats the beauty of it. Unless you want a massively detailed pattern you don't need too. I suppose even then you could design your own papaer and output it tot he OLED's or change the output colour of the OLED to give a different colour