Anyone receive this error when downloading data files from
a web site? Do you know cause? Is source of problem on
user end, IE or web site? They are using IE 6.0. No
other customers have this error.
We have a web site for customers to download zipped data
files. Depending on the IE version, the customer right
clicks and does a Copy To or they do a left click Save.
This customer is getting the error below with both methods.
OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)
a web site? Do you know cause? Is source of problem on
user end, IE or web site? They are using IE 6.0. No
other customers have this error.
We have a web site for customers to download zipped data
files. Depending on the IE version, the customer right
clicks and does a Copy To or they do a left click Save.
This customer is getting the error below with both methods.
OLE Object: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)