.... I am not sure about the legacy you stated about, or you didn't
understand of what I am asking for.
OLE is used in many programs, some of them are microsoft: word, excell,
netmeeting, etc..., and some of them are not microsoft (there are many), and
OLE's purpose in definition is defenitely for someone else in other programs
to use them quickly, unless OLE was not written for some programs...
Several years ago, I used some of the IE benefits in Delphi language, and
made a mini-browser,
(Delphi probebley used the OLE behinds the IE), also I used the word basic
(which is OLE language behinds the "Word"),
So if it's illegal, I'll think of other solutions (I am still don't
understand why particullary the IE OLE, if it exists anyway, is illegal),
but tell me about some legacy issues, if you are defenitely sure about them.
It doesn't matter from where I can use the IE OLE, if a program supports ole
then it obviously supports the IE OLE (flash or whatever ...),
but I need to know whether IE OLE is exists ? If so, I'd like some
documentations/help about the IE OLE, please.