Old version 4.7 still around

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Remove Windows Messenger 4.7 through:
Start > Run. Type:

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %SystemRoot%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove
Please note that by doing this you will not be able to use Remote Assistance

If you just want to stop Windows Messenger 4.7 to stop loadin gwhenever
Windows boots, do the following instead:

1. Open up Windows Messenger
2. Click Tools > Options > Preference
3. Uncheck "Run Windows Messenger when Windows starts"

Hope this helps.
I want to use the version 7, but periodicaly I will see a message saying I
have signed out of one place and signed in at another, this is when
messenger 4.7 pop ups! Is this an issue with beta 7? Maybe I should updat to
version 6, then 7.

Yes, if Messenger 4.7 pops up and signs in automatically, you got to set
Messenger 4.7's preference to not to load up when Windows starts. If
Messenger 4.7 doesn't load up when Windows starts, it will not sign in for
you and you can use Messenger 7.0 without any interruptions!

To stop Messenger 4.7 to load on every startup,

1. Open up Windows Messenger 4.7
2. Click Tools > Options > Preference
3. Uncheck "Run Windows Messenger when Windows starts"

Once you have done the above, restart your PC and log in to Messenger 7.0.
You will not be receiving any message that you have log in on one place etc.

Hope this helps.