I'm working with the following:
MB: A7A266, rev. 1.04, BIOS 1011
CPU: Athlon 1.2
I've been trying to get the CPU temperature down to a decent range. It was
running so hot that I had to underclock it to 9x100, and even then it runs
around 60-62C idling. I've tried a number of different heatsinks and fans,
including Zalman, Alpha, Coolermaster, and still not much success.
In trying to figure out what's going on, I've run across a number of posts
indicating that this board has a problem, where even with the Core
voltage/Vcore set to minimum (1.75), it runs it at higher. In my case, Asus
Probe shows Vcore of 1.824. The funny thing is that this does not seem
random, do a search on Google groups for "A7A266 1.824".
So, apparently, this is a known problem, as many of the posts say, but
is/was there never a solution?
I've searched high-and-low, including disabling JEN and setting the DIP
switches, but still the same result.
Has anyone run across any solution to this problem?
I'm working with the following:
MB: A7A266, rev. 1.04, BIOS 1011
CPU: Athlon 1.2
I've been trying to get the CPU temperature down to a decent range. It was
running so hot that I had to underclock it to 9x100, and even then it runs
around 60-62C idling. I've tried a number of different heatsinks and fans,
including Zalman, Alpha, Coolermaster, and still not much success.
In trying to figure out what's going on, I've run across a number of posts
indicating that this board has a problem, where even with the Core
voltage/Vcore set to minimum (1.75), it runs it at higher. In my case, Asus
Probe shows Vcore of 1.824. The funny thing is that this does not seem
random, do a search on Google groups for "A7A266 1.824".
So, apparently, this is a known problem, as many of the posts say, but
is/was there never a solution?
I've searched high-and-low, including disabling JEN and setting the DIP
switches, but still the same result.
Has anyone run across any solution to this problem?