Just got a processor for my g/f's computer. Managed to find a K6-2 475. This
is 95 x 5, apparently, which the motherboard can do - it's a no-name MVP3,
if you're interested - but according to the manual using 95MHz FSB will drop
the other bus speeds out of spec - AGP to 60, PCI to 30 and, crucially,
memory to 63. wtf?
Anyway, do you think that I should run the processor at 95 x 5, slowing
everything else down, or should I have a try at 100 x 4.5 or 5 to start
with? It's five or six jumpers to set the FSB and multiplier, so I'd rather
not have to do it too many times. Fiddly little things, I'm glad we don't
have to rely on those any more.
is 95 x 5, apparently, which the motherboard can do - it's a no-name MVP3,
if you're interested - but according to the manual using 95MHz FSB will drop
the other bus speeds out of spec - AGP to 60, PCI to 30 and, crucially,
memory to 63. wtf?
Anyway, do you think that I should run the processor at 95 x 5, slowing
everything else down, or should I have a try at 100 x 4.5 or 5 to start
with? It's five or six jumpers to set the FSB and multiplier, so I'd rather
not have to do it too many times. Fiddly little things, I'm glad we don't
have to rely on those any more.