old but not that knowledgeable!

Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I can't say I'm that knowledgeable about the inner workings of computers but I do try to solve my own problems. Which is why it's so frustrating when I can't. Forums like this are a boon to people like me.

I recently had the OS on my Dell laptop changed from the awful Vista to Win7 and I think that's when all my glitches started. I know they shouldn't have but I'm pretty darned sure they did!

Has anyone else found similar problems when changing?
Hi NelliO and welcome to PCR. :wave:

I changed from Vista to Win7 about six months ago and must say that I had no problems whatsoever. :)
Hi Neil, welcome to PC review. I changed from Vista to Windows 7 and I have not had any problems (only of my own making:()
I wonder what makes me so special then that I have one hiccup after another? Was it my computer fix-it man who is normally excellent? Or is it the laptop? I must say that though it has Bluetooth that won't work either so maybe I should lash out for a new pc. Reluctant to do that though since this one works well enough most of the time.
Like wot Mucks said - 'upgrade' installs rarely work cleanly, fresh installs usually do.

So was this troublesome progression an upgrade or a clean-as-a-whistle fresh installation?
I believe it was a complete installation.Everyone who knows about these things says I shouldn't be having all these glitches (most, though not all of them different each time) but whatever the reason, I am having them. The laptop has just passed it's 4th birthday but I wonder if it was such a great buy in the first place. I shall go back to a desktop model when/if I do buy a new one.