OL2003: Move task back to Inbox Folder



I have some tasks that I need to keep for short term in one of my Inbox

If I try to drag the task or "assign it back to myself", I get an error
message that says that I cannot "assign a task to myself".

I don't want to assign the task to myself. I want to move it back to an
Inbox Folder for storage purposes in case I need to forward it later on in
the project.

Any ideas?


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Tasks live in the task folder. Is there a reason why keeping it in the tasks
folder doesn't meet your needs?


Part of a training course I took asked us to build Project Level folders in
out Inbox for quick and necessary access only.

The idea is that some of the tasks have both archival information and
reference materials that need to be retained.

The tasks I refer to originated as Inbox emails that were "assigned" to a
specific task for completion in each project. Once these are completed, I
would like to store them back.


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

You can create a task folder under the inbox and drag the tasks into that
folder for archival purposes.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

If the emails were converted to Tasks by using a Right mouse drag to the
Tasks folder and Move here as Task with Attachment (they surely taught that
method in the course) then you can later drag the email out of the Task and
put it back in an email folder. Or if the Task was created and the email
was Inserted as an Item.

Consider using categories for a project rather than lots of Folders!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

read my articles here: www.judygleeson.com
Canberra, Australia

how to post questions: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=555375

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