I am using a prf file that I created using the Custom Installation Wizard. I
tested it on my user account and a few others and it worked fine. I tried
using the same prf file to set up some other users and it just brings up the
Outlook Setup Wizard. I tried it again on the users that it worked on
previously and it still works on them. Could someone tell me where I need to
look to find out why it works for some, but not others?
(Is this the right place to post this or is there a better place?)
I am still having this issue. I thought it may help if I gave a more
detailed explaination of the problem.
About 2 months ago I started using the Office 2003 Resource Kit - Custom
Installation Wizard to configure Outlook to automatically set up a user's
outlook profile when they first sign in. I created a PRF file from the Custom
Installation Wizard and added it to RunOnce registry key in the default
user's profile so it will run anytime a new user logs in.
Everything was working great until a week or 2 ago when I started getting
some calls from users saying they could not access their email. I tested the
PRF file on those users that called and it just brought up the Outlook Setup
Wizard. I tried signing onto the computers that were having the problem as
myself and it set my outlook profile up just fine. I tested 2 or 3 other user
accounts on it as well and they all worked.
I also copied one of the user accounts that was having the issue and created
a test user from it in Active Directory. I tested the newly copied user on
the computer and it did not work. It gave me the Outlook Setup Wizard.
Does anyone have any ideas on what could be going wrong?
Could it have something to do with Permissions?
About a month ago we did upgrade the exchange server from 2000 to 2003.
Could something have happened during the upgrade to cause this?
We also ran the script microsoft provided for the Daylight Savings Time
change and installed the updates microsoft provided.
Here are the first 5 Sections of the PRF file incase you need to see them:
;Automatically generated PRF file from the Microsoft Office Customization
and Installation Wizard
[Service List]
;ServiceX=Microsoft Outlook Client
ServiceEGS=Exchange Global Section
Service1=Microsoft Exchange Server
ServiceEGS=Exchange Global Section
; Section 3 - List of internet accounts
[Internet Account List]
; Section 4 - Default values for each service.
AccountName=Microsoft Exchange Server
; Section 5 - Values for each internet account.
I would greatly appreciate any help on this problem.