I am having trouble figuring out how to display the email
addresses along with the Display name in the list of
addresses that comes up when the To... button is clicked.
All it is listing right now is the contact name. The
reason I need this is because I have some contacts with
multiple entries and they show up 3 times in the list but
only one has an email, the rest are fax numbers and such.
Can anyone please give me a hand. Thanks.
I am having trouble figuring out how to display the email
addresses along with the Display name in the list of
addresses that comes up when the To... button is clicked.
All it is listing right now is the contact name. The
reason I need this is because I have some contacts with
multiple entries and they show up 3 times in the list but
only one has an email, the rest are fax numbers and such.
Can anyone please give me a hand. Thanks.