OL: Sent Messages Remain in My Outbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter ChrisW
  • Start date Start date
What version of Outlook and do you have send immediately checked?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching google.groups.com and finding no answer:
ChrisW <[email protected]> asked:
| I have read the article Q291613.
| http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-
| US;Q291613
| It said that I was trying to address the item to someone
| in my local personal address book. So, I tried to address
| an email with a totally new email address. however, the
| problem persists...
| pls pls hlp

I m using outlook 2003, I m not sure if the send immediate
box is checked or not.. but i think i have already clicked
every send button, and all emails are still remained in

I used to be able to send, dont know why i cant now.?

pls help